Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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Home SPARKS Newsletter

March 2018 SPARKS

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The March 2018 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The next regular club meeting March 8th 7:00 pm.
Meeting program, FT8 digital mode by Raymond Edge W9KHP.

Eat'n Before the Meet'n Mo's Southwest Grill 5:30

Announcing the First Annual Hamtober Fest !!!
Mark your calendar for October 27th 2018.
Watch for more information on this event SOON !
Flier attached.

In this ISSUE:
One Man's Opinion
SKYWARN training
Contacts, latest from K4LRX

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

Check out the club web site
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Download this file (1st Annual Southern Indiana Hamtober Fest (1).pdf)1st Annual Southern Indiana Hamtober Fest (1).pdf 333 Kb
Download this file (2018-03-Sparks.pdf)2018-03-Sparks.pdf 924 Kb

February 2018 SPARKS

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The February 2018 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The next regular club meeting for those with their reservations is the TARS Banquet, February 8th 6:00 pm at the Log Inn.

It's Dues time! Attached is the 2018 membership form. Your regular membership dues are due the month of January.

In this ISSUE:
One Man's Opinion
SKYWARN training
Contacts, KJ4DVR congratulations

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

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January 2018 SPARKS

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The January 2018 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The next regular club meeting is January11th 7:00 pm at the Red Cross.
Meeting program is the Annual Club Auction.
A special election will be held to fill a vacancy for the remaining term on the TARS Board due to Max KD9ABT being elected Vice President.

It's Dues time! Attached is the 2018 membership form. Your regular membership dues are due the month of January.

In this ISSUE:
Meeting Programs
One Man's Opinion
Eat'n Before the Meet'n
Winter Field Day
Contacts, K4LRX latest QSL's
Register for the February Banquet

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

Check out the club web site

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Download this file (2018-01-Sparks.pdf)2018-01-Sparks.pdf 1324 Kb
Download this file (formmbrapp18.pdf)formmbrapp18.pdf 221 Kb

December 2017 SPARKS

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The Dec SPARKS file has now been uploaded.

Sorry for the confusion.


The December 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The next regular club meeting is December 14th 7:00 pm at the Red Cross.

SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) takes place on Saturday, December 2, from 0000 until 2400 UTC (starts on the evening of Friday, December 1, in US time zones).

It's Dues time! Attached is the 2018 membership form.

December meeting program  Dennis WA2USA discussing solar events during his SOTA operations.

In this ISSUE:
Officer Election Results for 2018
One Man's Opinion
Eat'n Before the Meet'n
Club Shirts
Winter Field Day
ARRL International Grid Chase
...... and much more!

Wishing you a jolly and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

Check out the club web site

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Download this file (2017-12-Sparks.pdf)2017-12-Sparks.pdf 1606 Kb
Download this file (formmbrapp18.pdf)formmbrapp18.pdf2018 membership form221 Kb

November 2017 SPARKS

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The November 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.
As always, the file is sent in .pdf format and requires Adobe Reader to open and read.
Adobe Reader is free software that may be downloaded from the web page.

The next regular club meeting is November 9th 7:00 pm at the Red Cross.
Eat'n Before the Meet'n will be at Mission BBQ

November meeting program  USI Professor Glen Kissel on the Cube Sat Project
and Election of Officers for 2018. Attached is your ballot for voting.

In this ISSUE:
One Man's Opinion
Eat'n Before the Meet'n
Club Shirts
S.E.T. Reports
NWS Winter Weather Workshop
...... and much more!

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

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Download this file (2017-11-Sparks.pdf)2017-11-Sparks.pdf 1115 Kb

October 2017 SPARKS

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The October 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.
As always, the file is sent in .pdf format and requires Adobe Reader to open and read.
Adobe Reader is free software that may be downloaded from the web page.

The next regular club meeting is October 12th 7:00 pm at the Red Cross.
Eating Before the Meeting at Cici's Pizza.

In this ISSUE:
One Man's Opinion  "A Tribute"
October meeting program  Go KITS
Eat'n Before the Meet'n
A call for candidates
New Bands coming soon
Hamfest calendar
...... and much more!

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

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Download this file (2017-10-Sparks.pdf)2017-10-Sparks.pdf 1129 Kb

September 2017 SPARKS

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The September 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

As always, the file is sent in .pdf format and requires Adobe Reader to open and read.

Just a note that upon updating the e-mail list I noticed several members that had never renewed their membership for 2017.
I will start removing old member e-mails soon, so if you haven't renewed or don't remember if you did, you can verify your membership status with the TARS Treasurer.

The next regular club meeting is September 14th 7:00 pm at the Red Cross.
Eating Before the Meeting at Fazoli's.

In this ISSUE:
A double header One Man's Opinion
September meeting program
Eat'n Before the Meet'n
A call for candidates
A question on club shirts
Hamfest calendar
...... and much more!

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

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Download this file (2017_09_Sparks.pdf)2017_09_Sparks.pdf 946 Kb

July 2017 SPARKS

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The July 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, will be available soon.


Eat'n Before the Meet'n
The July Eating Before the Meeting July 13th, is at Mo's Southwest Grill 6401 E Lloyd Expressway, in the plaza directly in front of Target. Moe's offers a variety of build your own Southwest/Mexican foods at reasonable prices. Drop by for food, socializing, "story tell'n" and whatever else comes to mind.
Join the group at 5:30, check in on 146.79 if you need directions or just bored on your drive in.

Everyone is welcome to join us.


June 2017 SPARKS

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The June 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is now available.
As always, the file is in .pdf format and requires Adobe Reader to open and read.

REMINDER June 24-25, 2017 is Field Day
This year we will once again be at the Evansville Red Cross.

fd 2017

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Download this file (2017_Spakrs_06.pdf)2017_Spakrs_06.pdf 768 Kb

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