Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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Home SPARKS Newsletter

SPARKS January 2022

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The January 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

January TARS General Meeting 1/13/22 7pm at the West Side EMA Training Center (WEMA) 1430 Harmony Way.

The program will be YOU showing your GO KITS/Portable Operation Set-up
Be sure to join us!
REMINDER that TARS memberships are due in January of each year.
The membership application for 2022 is attached to this email.
Winter Field Day Jan 29 Wesselman Park
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.


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Download this file (2022-01-Sparks.pdf)2022-01-Sparks.pdf 1136 Kb
Download this file (member_app_form_2022.pdf)member_app_form_2022.pdf 45 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board-Meeting-20211202.pdf)TARS-Board-Meeting-20211202.pdf 135 Kb

December 2021 SPARKS

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The December 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

Make sure to check out the Night Before Christmas story attached to this email, with thanks going  to Jerry, WB9ONU.

December TARS General Meeting 12/9/21 7pm at the West Side EMA Training Center.
We will have an interesting presentation on the USI student built satellite
Be sure to join us!

The next VE Testing is December 18th, 9:00am.

REMINDER that TARS memberships are due in January of each year.
The membership application for 2022 is attached to this email.
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



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Download this file (2021-11-11 TARS-General Meeting.pdf)2021-11-11 TARS-General Meeting.pdf 140 Kb
Download this file (2021-12-Sparks.pdf)2021-12-Sparks.pdf 1352 Kb
Download this file (member_app_form_2022.pdf)member_app_form_2022.pdf 45 Kb

November 2021 SPARKS

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The November 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

Officer Elections
Remember to bring your election ballot to the November meeting or mail your ballot following the instructions you received with your ballot.

November TARS Meeting 11/11/21 7pm at the West Side EMA Training Center.
Make sure to join us!

The next VE Testing is December 18th, 9:00am.



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Download this file (2021-11-Sparks.pdf)2021-11-Sparks.pdf 1387 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board-Meeting-2021-10-07.pdf)TARS-Board-Meeting-2021-10-07.pdf 139 Kb
Download this file (TARS-General Meeting 2021-10-14.pdf)TARS-General Meeting 2021-10-14.pdf 135 Kb

September 2021 SPARKS

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The September 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.
September Meeting Information!!!

Tomorrow night in place of a general meeting we will have a meet up at Bluegrass Fish and Wildlife area for a POTA operating event. This will be a very informal event and EVERYONE is WELCOME!

We will be meeting at 5:30 in the main parking lot of the boat launch where you must sign in for the IN DNR. The parking lot is located on Boonville New Harmony road just past Kippel Rd, on the left if you are coming from I-69.

A location to set up the pota event will be decided at that time.

You can come out later than 5:30 if you want, just make sure to sign in at the DNR registration kiosk.

You can put a call out on the 146.79 repeater to find out exactly where the pota event is set up.

If you wish to bring out a rig and make contacts you are more than welcome to.

Google map link:

The next VE-testing will be Sep 25th, 9am.



TARS is holding a raffle with 2 drawings that will be made at NOON during the Hamtober Fest, OCTOBER 23RD.

The drawing will be for 1st prize FT-3DR, 2nd prize FT-70DR, tickets are now on sale and you need not be present to win.


Hamtober Fest

If you are attending any Hamfest take some fliers and advertise your Hamtober Fest!

There are only a limited number of Indoor tables available for $10 each, so get your tables reserved today!


For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2021-08-05 TARS-Board Meeting.pdf)2021-08-05 TARS-Board Meeting.pdf 136 Kb
Download this file (2021-09-Sparks.pdf)2021-09-Sparks.pdf 1103 Kb


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The July 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

Next month will be the Annual TARS Banquet at Log Inn.

The recent closure of Stoll’s caused the TARS board to quickly make a decision on the location for the annual banquet. Normally held in Feb it was pushed back to August because of the pandemic.

The reservation form is attached with this email of SPARKS. Our regular paid 2021 members can enjoy a price discount if reservations are returned to the club PO box by Aug 10th. This is only for current paid members and their spouse/guest.  If you are not yet a member and want to attend at the reduced price, return your membership form with payment along with your reservation.


The VE test session scheduled for July 31st has been rescheduled for Aug 7.

The start time will still be 9:00 am, at the Westside EMA Training Center.


TARS is holding a raffle with 2 drawings that will be made at NOON during the Hamtober Fest, oCTOBER 23RD.

The drawing will be for 1st prize FT-3DR, 2nd prize FT-70DR, tickets are now on sale and you need not be present to win.

To purchase tickets, contact a TARS board member or purchase tickets at the banquet in August.

Hamtober Fest

The raffle has been approved and the 2021 flier is now attached with this email of sparks.

If you are attending any Hamfest take some fliers and advertise your Hamtober Fest!

There are only a limited number of Indoor tables available for $10 each, so get your tables reserved today!



For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.


June 2021 SPARKS

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The June 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The June VE-Testing will be held at the Field Day site ( FOP Camp) 9am.

See the details in this issue of SPARKS!

REMINDER, anyone that is participating in Field Day from home (or other location) , please make sure to use  TARS W9OG as your club name when submitting your personal log.  Everyone must use the same club name for TARS to get credit for the cumulative score.
Hamtober Fest
The TARS 2021 Hamtober Fest is a go. October 23, Lynville, IN.
Reserve your tables now at
Start talking it up and watch for announcements soon !!!
FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2021-05-06 TARS-Board Meeting.pdf)2021-05-06 TARS-Board Meeting.pdf 137 Kb
Download this file (2021-06-Sparks.pdf)2021-06-Sparks.pdf 569 Kb

May 2021 SPARKS

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The May 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

TARS MAY CLUB Meeting will be an informal gathering at Wesselman Park 6:00pm this Thursday!

REMINDER, anyone that participated in the INQP, please make sure to use  TARS W9OG as your club name when submitting your personal log.  Everyone must use the same club name for TARS to get credit for the cumulative score.

Next VE testing, May 29th.

Hamtober Fest
The TARS 2021 Hamtober Fest is a go. October 23, Lynville, IN.
Start talking it up!!!


FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2021-05-Sparks.pdf)2021-05-Sparks.pdf 1151 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board Meeting 04072021.pdf)TARS-Board Meeting 04072021.pdf 134 Kb
Download this file (TARS-General-Meeting-20210408.pdf)TARS-General-Meeting-20210408.pdf 131 Kb

April 2021 SPARKS

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The April 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

Indiana QSO Party
TARS will be holding the INQP group operating event, 10am on Saturday May 1st at Interlake recreation area.  See details in this issue of SPARKS.

Next VE testing, April 24th.

Special Election
Next month we will hold a special election to fill the open board seat.
Prior to the election our mailing list will be updated and if you haven't renewed your dues for 2021 you will receive an email indicating you have been removed from the mailing list.
If you have any questions on your membership status contact Jeff Holt AA9WJ TARS treasurer.

Hamtober Fest
The TARS 2021 Hamtober Fest is a go. October 23, Lynville, IN.
Watch for more information coming soon.
For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.


FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2021-04-Sparks.pdf)2021-04-Sparks.pdf 665 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board-Meeting-2021 03 04.pdf)TARS-Board-Meeting-2021 03 04.pdf 132 Kb
Download this file (TARS-General-Meeting-2021 03 11.pdf)TARS-General-Meeting-2021 03 11.pdf 128 Kb

March 2021 SPARKS

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The March 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

Indiana QSO Party
TARS will be holding an INQP group operating event.  May 1 2021 at the Interlake Park east of Lynnville, 9am-dusk.  Come out and join the fun!!

Hamtober Fest
The 2021 Hamtober Fest is a GO!!.  Mark your calendars for October 23, 2021. Hamtoberfest is BACK! . Watch for more information coming soon.

Special Election
The only qualification is that you have been a TARS member for one full year and are currently a member in good standing.
Be sure to check out the SKYWARN Spotter classes for 2021 in this issue of SPARKS.
For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.
Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK


FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2021-03-Sparks.pdf)2021-03-Sparks.pdf 731 Kb
Download this file (member_app_form_2021.pdf)member_app_form_2021.pdf 45 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board-Meeting-20210204 Rev1.pdf)TARS-Board-Meeting-20210204 Rev1.pdf 136 Kb
Download this file (TARS-General-Meeting-20210211.pdf)TARS-General-Meeting-20210211.pdf 141 Kb

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