Tri-State Amateur Radio Society W9OG
TARS was founded February 6th 1947 to support the Amateur Radio hobby in the Tri-State area and has a membership of ~80 Amateurs. It is affiliated with the ARRL and is an ARRL Special Service Club . TARS is a designated 501c3 not for profit organization.
The Club exists to provide service to our community and advance all aspects of Amateur Radio. TARS has provided communication support to a number of community activities such as: Southern Indiana Classic Marathon, Hoosier 200 Relay, Red Cross Soccer Tournament, Welborn Soccer Tournament, Freedom Festival Parade, Thunder on the Ohio Race, Freedom Festival Balloon event, Lighted Boat Parade and Fireworks Display on July 4th, Drums on the Ohio, Fall Festival Parade, Diabetes Association Walk, Evansville Bike Club's Great Pumpkin Metric Bike Ride, and assistance to the Henderson Amateur Radio Club on the Shrine Club Christmas Parade. TARS has also provided communication for Habitat For Humanity when "Blitz" building projects are undertaken.
TARS holds monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month which gives us a chance to share experiences, have some fun and be updated on some aspect of amateur radio. Some of our meetings have included: a used equipment auction, bingo, EME, a tour of a local cable TV facility, talk by the President of the ARRL, ATV demonstration, Contesting, Skywarn, tour of central dispatch, new ham equipment The Ham Station, DX activity. TARS also holds an annual Club Auction in January along with a Banquet in February.
A newsletter titled "Sparks" is mailed to members monthly.
TARS provides close cooperation with various emergency organizations:
Evansville Vanderburgh County Emergency Management Agency - with participation in disaster practice exercises.
American Red Cross - by providing support for both emergency and other communication needs. TARS maintains a fully equipped amateur station at the Red Cross offices.
National Weather Service - by working with the NWS Skywarn program to distribute and collect weather data during severe storms.
TARS maintains two repeaters, 146.79 and 147.15, which provide excellent coverage of the Tri-State area. An Autopatch with access to Evansville, Newburgh, Boonville, New Harmony, Mt. Vernon, Chandler, McCutchanville, St. Joseph, St. Philip and Elberfeld is on the 147.15 Repeater.
TARS sponsors the Tri-State Emergency Net each Wednesday night at 8:00 pm local time on the 146.79 repeater.
TARS holds a number of classes to help individuals obtain their first license or upgrade their license. VE's provide test sessions which are coordinated with the classes as well as special exams upon request.
TARS operates a Field Day station (for both points and fun) and has placed fourth nationally in category 3A Battery and has ranked very well a number of times. TARS also participates in Winter Field Day the IN QSO Party and Indiana Parks On The Air. TARS members also support the Boy Scout Jamboree on the Air and other events.
TARS mailing address is:
PO BOX 4521
Evansville, IN 47724
TARS E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
2025 Club Officers - Board members
President Scott Hibbs KD4SIR
Vice President This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Treasurer This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Secretary This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Board of Directors
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W9OG License Trustee Dave Julian WB9YIG
Repeater Committee
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Net Coordinator
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Volunteer Examiner Team Liaison to ARRL VEC
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Red Cross Liaison
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Newsletter Editor Chris Lantaff KE9YK
Hamtober Fest Chairman 2021 Dennis Martin WA2USA and Jeff Holt AA9WJ
Field Day Chairman 2021 John VanVorst N9OL
McCutchan Award Chairman Chris Lantaff KE9YK 812.626.0069
Vanderburgh County
RACES Officer
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Warrick County
RACES Officer
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Kit Building, Antennas, QRP, General Information John Small W9FHA (812) 401-0433
Digital computer, APRS, Antennas This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 812.205.6490
Antennas, Emergency Communication, General Information This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it 812.626.0069
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