Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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Home SPARKS Newsletter

February 2021 SPARKS

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The February 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.
TARS regular club meeting will be this Thursday on ZOOM. Watch for an email with the ZOOM login information.
The presentation for the meeting will be Jerry KC9ZAR.
If you are not a TARS member and would like to join in on our meeting, send an email request to " info @ w9og . net ".
REMINDER TARS Membership dues are due in January of each year.
A 2021 membership application was attached to your Dec and Jan newsletter email.
If you have not renewed your dues for 2021 please do so ASAP.


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Download this file (2021 01 07 TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf)2021 01 07 TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf 138 Kb
Download this file (2021 01 14 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf)2021 01 14 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf 135 Kb
Download this file (2021-02-Sparks.pdf)2021-02-Sparks.pdf 620 Kb

January 2021 SPARKS

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The January 2021 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

REMINDER TARS Membership dues are due in January of each year.
A 2021 membership application is attached.

TARS Fox Hunt 9:00am Sat Jan 16th
TARS is holding a Fox Hunt with social distancing.
This will be an easy driving type hunt.
Look for more information in this issue of SPARKS!

Winter Field Day
Winter FD is January 30/31, 2021. Look for more information in this issue of SPARKS
Special Election
We are still looking for nominations to hold a special election to fill a vacant board seat for the remainder of the 2021 term. If you are interested in running for the board send an email to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . The only qualification is that you have been a TARS member for one full year.
Be sure to check out the SKYWARN Spotter classes for 2021 in this issue of SPARKS.
For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.
Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK


FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2020 12 03 TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf)2020 12 03 TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf 135 Kb
Download this file (2020 12 10 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf)2020 12 10 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf 134 Kb
Download this file (2021-01-Sparks.pdf)2021-01-Sparks.pdf 847 Kb
Download this file (member_app_form_2021.pdf)member_app_form_2021.pdf 45 Kb

December 2020 SPARKS

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The December 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

A 2021 membership application is attached. Membership dues are due in January of each year.

Please note the attached equipment list of items for sale of a silent key.
Dave WB9YIG has his contact info in the PDF if you have any questions or inquire for a purchase.

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK



November 2020 SPARKS

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The November 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

A 2021 membership application is attached. Membership dues are due in January of each year.

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK



FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2020 10 01TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf)2020 10 01TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf 133 Kb
Download this file (2020 10 08 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf)2020 10 08 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf 131 Kb
Download this file (2020-11-Sparks.pdf)2020-11-Sparks.pdf 990 Kb
Download this file (member_app_form_2021.pdf)member_app_form_2021.pdf 45 Kb

October 2020 SPARKS

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The October 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

TARS October ZOOM Meeting info

Thursday, October 8  ? 7:00 – 9:30pm

If you are not a TARS member and would like to participate in the ZOOM meeting, send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . telling us who you are and request the information.

ZOOM is available for your favorite internet platform.Goto to download or for more information

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.
The Covid-19 addition of the Tri-State Emergency Net is still running on Mon along with the regular net on Wed at 8:00pm on the 146.79 repeater.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK

FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (09 02 2020 TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf)09 02 2020 TARS-Board-Meeting.pdf 171 Kb
Download this file (09 10 2020 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf)09 10 2020 TARS-General-Meeting.pdf 173 Kb
Download this file (2020-10-Sparks.pdf)2020-10-Sparks.pdf 846 Kb

August 2020 SPARKS

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The August 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The AUGUST club meeting will be a 2m Simplex Contest. Information is available below.

Thursday 8/6 will be the TARS Board meeting. They will be discussing the upcoming Hamtober Fest and wether to cancel or not due to the Covid-19. If you would like to join in the board meeting send an email to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for the ZOOM log-in information.

If you worked Field Day this year and entered TARS for your club have you reported your scoring info to Dave KC9UVG?
If not you must get it to him by tomorow night to be entered in the TARS club competetion.

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

The Covid-19 addition of the Tri-State Emergency Net is still running on Mon and Fri
along with the regular net on Wed at 8:00pm on the 146.79 repeater.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK

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Download this file (2020-08-Sparks.pdf)2020-08-Sparks.pdf 534 Kb

July 2020 SPARKS

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The July 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

July club meeting this Thursday 7/9 at 7:00pm on ZOOM.
Watch for meeting login information e-mail.

The Covid-19 addition of the Tri-State Emergency Net is still running on Mon and Fri
along with the regular net on Wed at 8:00pm on the 146.79 repeater.

Did you work any Field Day!  If so make sure you enter TARS for your club.
In the drop down menu under club select: Tri State Amateur Radio Society W9OG

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK



FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2020-07-Sparks.pdf)2020-07-Sparks.pdf 675 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board-Meeting-20200604.pdf)TARS-Board-Meeting-20200604.pdf 250 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Gen-Meeting-20200611.pdf)TARS-Gen-Meeting-20200611.pdf 248 Kb

June 2020 SPARKS

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The June 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

Due to the Covid-19 situation Field Day will be much different this year.
You can find information on how to participate in Field Day in this SPARKS.
Just a reminder to all the Tech class ops, while you have voice privileges on 10m ssb Field Day can be operated on 50Mhz and up.

The location for the June 27th VE testing is being secured at this time. Watch the TARS website for location information.

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net, Wed night 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.
We are currently running the net Mon, Wed and Fri nights at 8pm due to the Covid-19 Lock-down.
This net schedule will run till the end of June and will be reevaluated at that time.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK
FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2020-06-Sparks.pdf)2020-06-Sparks.pdf 782 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Board-Meeting-20200506.pdf)TARS-Board-Meeting-20200506.pdf 260 Kb
Download this file (TARS-Gen-Meeting-20200514.pdf)TARS-Gen-Meeting-20200514.pdf 258 Kb

May 2020 SPARKS

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The May 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

VE testing May 30th 9:00 am will be held at the Vanderburgh Co EMA West side training center 1440 Harmony Way 47712.

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net, Wed night 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

We are currently running the net every night at 8pm due to the Covid-19 Lock-down. This net will run till the end of May and will be reevaluated at that time.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK

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