Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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Home SPARKS Newsletter October 2017 SPARKS

October 2017 SPARKS

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The October 2017 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.
As always, the file is sent in .pdf format and requires Adobe Reader to open and read.
Adobe Reader is free software that may be downloaded from the web page.

The next regular club meeting is October 12th 7:00 pm at the Red Cross.
Eating Before the Meeting at Cici's Pizza.

In this ISSUE:
One Man's Opinion  "A Tribute"
October meeting program  Go KITS
Eat'n Before the Meet'n
A call for candidates
New Bands coming soon
Hamfest calendar
...... and much more!

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays at 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

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