Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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Home SPARKS Newsletter August 2020 SPARKS

August 2020 SPARKS

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The August 2020 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The AUGUST club meeting will be a 2m Simplex Contest. Information is available below.

Thursday 8/6 will be the TARS Board meeting. They will be discussing the upcoming Hamtober Fest and wether to cancel or not due to the Covid-19. If you would like to join in the board meeting send an email to  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for the ZOOM log-in information.

If you worked Field Day this year and entered TARS for your club have you reported your scoring info to Dave KC9UVG?
If not you must get it to him by tomorow night to be entered in the TARS club competetion.

For the latest news check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net Wednesdays 8:00 pm on the 146.790 repeater.

The Covid-19 addition of the Tri-State Emergency Net is still running on Mon and Fri
along with the regular net on Wed at 8:00pm on the 146.79 repeater.

Check out the club web site
Follow us on FACEBOOK

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