Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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Home SPARKS Newsletter March 2015 SPARKS

March 2015 SPARKS

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The complimentary March 2015 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is now available.

The monthly TARS membership meeting is 3/12 the second Thursday, 7:00 PM at the Evansville Red Cross Building, Stockwell Rd at the Lloyd.

Eating Before the Meeting will be at Fazoli's Italian eatery 899 N Green River Road before the TARS club meeting.
Drop by for food, socializing, "story tell'n" and whatever else comes to mind.

Join the group at 5:30 and check in on 146.79 if you need directions or just bored on your drive in. Everyone is welcome to join us.

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