Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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July 2022 SPARKS


The July 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The July meeting this Thursday July 14th will be held at the Red Cross, 7:00pm
We will have Eat'n Before the Meet'n at Jason's Deli 5:30pm
Attached with this mailer is a 75th Anniversary shirt order form. Bring your order with payment to the regular meeting or mail it to the club PO Box ASAP.
A Look Inside!
The next VE TESTING is July 30th.
Field Day 2022 follow up
FCC closing CORES legacy site.
The 4th annual Hamtober Fest is October 15, 2022 and raffle tickets will be available at the meeting.
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.




Louis and Clark Trail on the air


For for information on the Louis and Clark Trail on the air special event.

Go to

W9OG is one of twenty activating stations across 16 states participating in the LCTOTA special event.

Only the activation stations submit a log to LCTOTA. However, you are encouraged to submit your log to Logbook of the World.

All contacts with W9OG will be uploaded to LoTW.

Thanks and Happy hunting!


June 2022 SPARKS


The June 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The June meeting this Thursday June 9th will be held at the Red Cross, 7:00pm
We will have Eat'n Before the Meet'n at CiCi's 5:30pm
Attached with this mailer is a 75th Anniversary shirt order form. Bring your order with payment to the regular meeting or mail it to the club PO Box.
A Look Inside!
The next VE TESTING is June 18th. PLEASE NOTE: This is not the last Sat of the month as usual!
Lewis and Clark Trail On The Air
Field Day 2022
The 4th annual Hamtober Fest is October 15, 2022! FLIER attached!
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



May 2022 SPARKS


The May 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The May meeting this Thursday May 12th will be held at the Red Cross, 7:00pm

A Look Inside!
The next VE TESTING is June 18th. PLEASE NOTE: This is not the last Sat of the month as usual!
John N9OL is taking info for those that want to operate the Lewis and Clark Trail On The Air!
Brian WB9QVR is looking for Field Day ideas and HELP!
The 4th annual Hamtober Fest is October 15, 2022!
The RAFFLE has been approved, watch for the PRIZE Announcement!
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



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Download this file (2022-05-Sparks.pdf)2022-05-Sparks.pdf 1033 Kb

2022 Picnic / INQP



Next Saturday May 7th is the TARS Picnic and Indiana QSO Party.
Come out and join us for a while or or for the day!
Bring a side dish to share for the picnic at NOON!
Get on the air and make some contacts!
Let's Celebrate 75 Years of TARS!
All the details are attached.

FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (2022-INQP- Picnic Special Edition Sparks.pdf)2022-INQP- Picnic Special Edition Sparks.pdf 2270 Kb

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For the latest announcements and information join us on the air for the Tri-State Emergency Net, Wednesday night at 8:00 pm on the TARS 146.79 repeater, pl 88.5.

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