Tri-State Amateur Radio Society


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November 2022 SPARKS



The November 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The regular TARS meeting will be 7:00pm November 10th at the Red Cross, 29 Stockwell Rd.  Come out and join us.
Officer elections for 2023 will be held
Program topic will be – Antennas by Chris Lantaff KE9YK

Eat'n Before the Meet'n at Moe's Southwest Grill,  5:30pm.
The next VE TESTING is December 3rd, 9am.
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



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Download this file (2022-11-Sparks.pdf)2022-11-Sparks.pdf 1182 Kb

October 2022 SPARKS



The October 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The regular TARS meeting will be 7:00pm October 13th at the Red Cross, 29 Stockwell Rd. and also available on ZOOM.  Come out and join us.
Program topic will be – How To Work Amateur Satellites With Your HT by Clint Bradford, K6LCS
Eat'n Before the Meet'n at Long John Silvers,  5:30pm.
We are still looking for volunteers to step up and run for the club Officers in 2023.
The next VE TESTING is November 5th, 9am.
The 4th annual Hamtober Fest is this SATURDAY, October 15, 2022 and raffle tickets will be available at the meeting.
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



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Download this file (2022-10-Sparks.pdf)2022-10-Sparks.pdf 510 Kb
Download this file (snake antenna wb9onu.pdf)snake antenna wb9onu.pdf 106 Kb

September 2022 SPARKS



The September 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The regular TARS meeting will be 7:00pm September 8th at the Red Cross, 29 Stockwell Rd. Come out and join us.  Topic will be Yaesu digital Fusion and Wires-X.

Eat'n Before the Meet'n at Salsarita's Fresh Mexican Grill   5:30pm
The next VE TESTING is October 1st, 9am.
The 4th annual Hamtober Fest is October 15, 2022 and raffle tickets will be available at the meeting.
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



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Download this file (2022-09-Sparks.pdf)2022-09-Sparks.pdf 1084 Kb

W9OG/75 Special Event


TARS Special Event Weekend August 12 -14!

Celebrating 75 years of service!

For an event QSL card work a W9OG/75 station and send a QSL or contact info with a SASE to

W9OG/75 QSL Manager

In February of 1947, as Ham Radio Operators were being allowed back on the air following victory in World War 2, a group of Hams in the Evansville Indiana tri-state area got together and formed the Tristate Amateur Radio Society.  The purpose and mission of the club from the very beginning was to

  • Promote ham radio by educating the public on the merits, purpose, and mission of amateur radio;

  • Help members increase technical knowledge of radio theory, practice, and technology in general;

  • Provide service to the community through traffic handling, event communications,  and preparing for disasters; and

  • Growing members through camaraderie and fun.

The Tristate Amateur Radio Society, or TARS, of Evansville Indiana has been an active club since its inception, and has and continues to fulfill the mission set forth by the founders of the club in 1947.

In 2022 we celebrate 75 years of service to our community, to fellow hams, and society in general.  It’s a rich of which heritage we are extremely proud.

Happy 75th anniversary TARS


August 2022 SPARKS


The August 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.

The August meeting this Thursday August 11th will be held at the Red Cross, 7:00pm
The meeting program will be by Jerry WB9ONU, on odd antennas he has used.
We will have Eat'n Before the Meet'n at Mission BBQ 5:30pm

Next weekend Aug 12-14 TARS will celebrate our 75th anniversary as a club with a special event station of our own!  You can operate as part of our celebrations!
The next VE TESTING is August 27th, 9am.
The 4th annual Hamtober Fest is October 15, 2022 and raffle tickets will be available at the meeting.

For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.



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Download this file (2022-08-Sparks.pdf)2022-08-Sparks.pdf 767 Kb

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For the latest announcements and information join us on the air for the Tri-State Emergency Net, Wednesday night at 8:00 pm on the TARS 146.79 repeater, pl 88.5.

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