The regular TARS meeting will be 7:00pm November 10th at the Red Cross, 29 Stockwell Rd. Come out and join us.
November 2022 SPARKS
The November 2022 issue of SPARKS, newsletter of the Tri-State Amateur Radio Society, is attached.
The regular TARS meeting will be 7:00pm November 10th at the Red Cross, 29 Stockwell Rd. Come out and join us. Officer elections for 2023 will be held
Program topic will be – Antennas by Chris Lantaff KE9YK
Eat'n Before the Meet'n at Moe's Southwest Grill, 5:30pm.
The next VE TESTING is December 3rd, 9am.
For the latest news, check in to the Tri-State Emergency Net on the 146.79 repeater, at 8:00 pm every Wednesday.
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For the latest announcements and information join us on the air for the Tri-State Emergency Net, Wednesday night at 8:00 pm on the TARS 146.79 repeater, pl 88.5.