Author Topic: Worked All States CW  (Read 6369 times)


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Worked All States CW
« on: August 04, 2015, 05:17:39 PM »
Various endorsements for WAS:

As we discussed in the first article on working all states this one was a mixed mode. In my early days of ham radio there was CW/AM later to become SSB. RTTY although some were active on this mode, the equipment was far removed from what we have today. So, RTTY was not that popular and most concentrated on either CW/AM or SSB.

Over the years I have found that 40 meter cw for hunting states is very productive. During contests namely Sweepstakes and North American QSO party. Forty meters is fine for all state side contacts only thing for those states further away from you, well plan on some evening, or late evening operating.

The rules for this endorsement are the same as the mixed award. Work all 50 states having a minimum of one contact per state. You can mix the bands, work some of your quest on 160, another few on 80 and so forth as long as it is CW. You may work them all from your mobile if you are so inclined to work CW from the car. Of course keep within the hundred mile limit from your home location.

As to verification, paper cards, LOTW. As mentioned before if you use EQSL they have their own awards program and these confirmations do not count towards the ARRL WAS award. You may also use, but again no credit to the ARRL awards. However, your objective is work them all and gain the award. In reality it matters little as to what award program you use. I know EQSL has endorsement awards and QRZ as well. So, if you wish to do this chore by E card only, then so be it and do not worry about paper cards.

If you use LOTW fine, but keep in mind both parties have to be registered users of LOTW in order to get a match. QRZ works much the same way and EQSL also follows the same basic format.

Our next article will be WAS Phone.