Author Topic: WAS PHONE  (Read 6202 times)


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« on: August 05, 2015, 04:07:08 PM »
WAS Phone.

Looking at the other methods of Worked All States there are a few more to think about, the next one is WAS Phone and as the name implies you must make at least one contact on the phone bands in all 50 states.

As mentioned 40/75 is good for this venture, most of the western states are well represented on 40 side band and 75 meter phone. I do know there are a few nets that operate for the purpose of providing contacts for those hunting states. Check around 3.905 during the evening hours, also check the 40 meter band for most of the other states. Another outlet is the Geritol net on the lower part of 75 meter phone.

Twenty can be very good for those long contacts to the western states, as well as fifteen and ten meters.

Again, confirmations are needed if you apply for the standard ARRL award, I am speaking of paper qsl cards. You may use LOTW and of course other avenues such as EQSL or Keep in mind only paper cards, or LOTW will count for the ARRL issued award, the others have their own awards program.

Consider this also, you may have to work some states more then once in order to have them confirmed. A variety of reasons, we have those who ignore qsl requests regardless of what you might do to encourage them by providing SASE,beg plead for a card.
Others, they do not use LOTW while some simply ignore requests on EQSL or QRZ. Both of these are so simple to qsl, but you do have those who will not move no matter what the reason.

I normally check a station on EQSL before I request verification, I look up that station and investigate if the station worked has a large back log of unanswered requests. It that is the case, chances are you may never receive a card via these services.  I do not waste my time and effort to send a card if the station in question has a large back log and has not made any effort to clear his contacts.

Check also on QRZ as to the method of Qsling, if nothing is listed, chances are the station you worked may not answer a thing.   Plan on working a few states at least twice, maybe three times before you receive a confirmation.  Not all hams are discourteous when it comes to sending a QSL card. Granted, you will have some who are very good about it and some are very poor.

One method that can be used for paper verifications. Write a form letter, stating the station you worked , list call letters, Date Time, band, signal report and mode. Make a notation on the form that due to the fact I have no qsl cards I verify by my signature the listed contact is valid.

I have used this in some occasions for a two meter award, and it seems there are a few people who have no cards, do not know how to fill one out, or mail it. They are few, but we have them. Ok, now get started on the WAS award Phone.