KH2/ N2NL 7.016 1200Z very good signal hopefully this one will count when proper documentation is presented.
FK8IK 7.007 1130Z good signal.
J28NC worked this one on 15 21.038 up 2 1530. Has qsl manager in France. Limited activity, but good signal when heard.
E51CDW 7.169 up 5 0530Z nice to hear some activity from this entity, good catch on 40.
ZB2FK 28.020 1730Z band was pretty bad yesterday after noon, but managed to gain a new band country. This op does qsl if green stamps provided. I have qsl from other bands. Follow instructions on
KG4AS Gitmo Bay, been years since any activity has surfaced. 21.365 2230Z this is a list operation so be patient and wait your turn.