Author Topic: Six meters 5/30/13  (Read 2147 times)


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Six meters 5/30/13
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:17:33 PM »
In the last few weeks some promise of activity with six meters. Three weekends ago there were a few stations on from the seventh district, mostly the N.W. states. Opening lasted about and hour, or less.

Two days ago some good signals from scattered locations, worked one station in Michigan, another in Quebec, still another one in middle New York.

Signals were up and down with no steadiness, they would last a few minutes and then gone. One report on DX scape indicated a station in Portugal worked from the 1st district. Nothing much else.

Another report stated that 9y4VU was on six, but nothing heard from my location. I have tried to obtain a qsl card from 9Y4VU, but it does not happen. I wound up working another station on the island and did receive a card. This was from HF contacts, so if you work this station good luck on ever getting a qsl on any band.

In contacting this station via e mail he states he has mail theft, well heard that before, maybe so, maybe not. Other stations worked on 9Y4 reported no trouble of receiving, or mailing qsl cards...

Otherwise, six is pretty dead this afternoon and nothing heard at all in any direction. Let's see what the following weeks bring us.