Author Topic: dx report 5/9/16  (Read 922 times)


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dx report 5/9/16
« on: May 09, 2016, 08:56:56 AM »
Horrid bands, twenty meters this morning is so dead that the only thing I am hearing is band noise. Does not look to be a good dx day, or a good week. I do have some commentary on recent efforts. It appears that some so called expeditions are given space on various web sites as the next big one. What happens is nothing! Either they never show up, or on so little that it makes it difficult for anyone to find them.

A real full time effort will be on the air for several hours a day, or a 24/7 operation like the Navassa Island effort that was done right.

Yes granted conditions are poor, but once in a while a good signal makes it and there is the opportunity for the DX expeditions.

On the P5 effort we have heard a lot of rumors about the 3Z9DX operation, meager as it was. Some have even accused this op of never having been in North Korea I have serious doubts. However, I did work this station portable Ti9 about a year ago and have the qsl card. So, that one is valid, but the P5 effort some real doubts that it ever took place.

The only way this entity would ever meet the world wide demand is a month long 24/7 operation even then it would only make a small dent in the overall world wide scheme of things. The chances of this slim to none and slim left town.

I personally do not think there will be any activation of P5 in my life time, this will be the only entity I have not worked. But. never say never, things could change, but do not hold your breath.