Author Topic: TX5K Operation  (Read 2437 times)


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TX5K Operation
« on: March 07, 2013, 06:28:40 AM »
The operation from Clipperton Island has been one of the best operations I have heard in years, it appears that even with terrible band conditions this station has had a very good signal on all bands.

I had over the years worked various expeditions to this remote place of the world and one of my best dx triumphs was working Clipperton on 80 meters in the DX window around 3.790. During another operation I added 40/20/15, this current operation I easily added 30 and 17 meters. Plus, just for fun worked this station on 20/40 during the first few days of the expedition.

The CW ops are superb and the phone ops pick out calls quickly, Oh yes you have some that complain due to the fact they are hoping for a contact and the expedition is working Europe, or calling for Asia.

Thing is, this group did not travel half way around the world to a remote south pacific island just to work YOU. No, you are just another station in the log and they must give everyone a chance.

With that in mind, if you have not worked TX5K the pile up is thinning out and you have a few more days to make a contact. Might be a considerable time before we hear Clipperton activated again.