Author Topic: WAS QRP  (Read 6295 times)


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« on: August 07, 2015, 03:14:49 PM »
As most of you that know me personally and on the air you know that I am a cw man. So naturally I assumed that many of you are working for the WAS QRP are doing it on cw. If so, there is a lot of activity on 7.050khz. Plus additional  frequencies around 14.050khz and other bands support this activity as well.

However, some of you are on the digital modes and use PSK, RTTY, JT 65, Olivia and so forth, if you are intent on working all states with low power by all means go for it. By qrp this is powers 5 watts or less, personally I applaud such ops and their determination to succeed.

The award in general has no other requirements other then your honesty about the power levels you used. It is the same requirements that at least one contact in all 50 states take place. You can confirm these contact by various means, LOTW, EQSL, QRZ all offer the same award for working all states. Just depends on what you want in the form of an award.

In fact the league offers a "TRIPLE PLAY award for working all states by phone, CW and a digital mode of some type. Same rules apply for the requirements as with the others listed. Work at least one station in all of the 50 states. Now with that said with our next article will be on 5 band WAS and that one is quite a challenge.

Just be prepared if you under take this project, that everyone will not confirm your contacts, you have those rotten apples in the barrel that will not budge on this subject. To me, ham radio has its requirements and qsling in any form, either electronic or using paper is part of the hobby To not do so is discourteous to your fellow radio amateur.

By publishing these articles I will be glad to attempt to work anyone needing my state on bands from 40 to ten. Sorry not much of an antenna on 12 or 17, but the other bands no problem. I qsl with paper, or EQSL so keep that in mind as well.