INQP 2023


Hello, everyone.

The Indiana QSO Party [INQP] is coming up this Saturday, May 6th, and will be at the FOP on the westside of Evansville, 5417 N Happe Rd (  Everyone is welcome, members and non-members alike, so please spread the word and join us for a day of contacts and camaraderie.

The INQP runs from 10am-10pm central time.  We will have 1 CW station and 1 SSB station for use during the event with setup beginning around 8am that morning.  This would be a great opportunity for those new to amateur radio to get some hands-on experience setting up antennas, stations, and asking questions.  So new hams please join us!

Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided for lunch.  Club members are invited to bring a side dish of your choosing to share.

Please plan on joining us for the 2023 INQP.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Duane, K3LWD