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DX Comments 12/14/14


Contest going on this weekend,so we will bypass regular reporting until Monday. However, I do have a comment or two regarding a qsl manager for the recent VU4 expeditions in the last few months.

I see a lot of information going by me in the form of on air and internet searching that sometimes a mistake can happen. We are all guilty of hearing one call on the air, our mind plays tricks on us and we invert a letter or two.

In this case I checked the qsl route of all the VU4 stations and they all go to a qsl manager in the states, W4VKU in Cary, N.C. if one looks up this call on you find that the op is an Indian with a very long name. There are other routes for those not in the states, but this of course makes it easier for us for a stateside manager.

Ok, way back in March of 2014 I worked my first of four stations in VU4 land, in looking at the qsl route instead of my mind getting the letters right with the qsl manager of W4VKU I sent my card and at that time I was concerned over a cw contact on 20, my card and SASE went to W4KVU in Dickinson, Tn.

Months have gone by and nothing received and I was beginning to wonder about the operation and the manager, now that I found my mistake I wonder why the station in Dickinson, Tn did not return my card since in the envelope was an SASE. A short simple note would have sufficed to let me know I made a mistake and routed the card to the wrong person.  I am sure this station may have received other requests as well of a mistaken call, so what did he do with all the cards and requests? My guess is probably tossed them in the round file, really a discourtesy and being inconsiderate.

For years, I would often receive from the K4 card bureau some qsl cards meant for W4LRX in Florida and this station got some of mine, we often just sent them to one another as a courtesy. W4LRX has been gone for about twenty years, but we do recall the courtesy we extended to one another. In fact, this last shipment of qsl cards from the bureau I had a couple mixed in with mine of someone else, I simply mailed them to the person they were intended. Not a problem. I received an e mail tnx in a few days.

It has now been over a week since I mailed my requests to the right person, we shall see what happens now?


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