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DX Report 12/9/14


It appears that 2014 will close out with poor conditions, nothing much on the bands and pretty dead during the day. No real peaks in the bands during the evening hours.

I have a few stations to report:

V44KAI 10.144 worked this station on a few bands, to date no qsls.

VP8RAF/100 I think it is 100 years of being a Crown Colony of the Falklands.  14.108 0500Z.

3B8CF 14.027 0255Z.

JD1BOX 21.240 0300Z so far little in the form of operating

KH2L 21.312 23:20Z

3W3B 28.015 0030Z.

VQ9 operation a small expedition was only heard yesterday morning in the early hours with only a faint whisper of a signal Only a few stations on the East Coast had any copy.. I could hear the signal about 439, not enough to really copy. Nothing spotted this morning, or during the evening hours. Bands were ten and 15, but copy not good on either.

QSLS received E51NOU and P40B.


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