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DX web site comments


DX comments.

If you are under the assumption that I am an avid DX hound you are correct in the assumption, I have been for many years and continue to search for those I have not worked on various bands.

My stateside contacts have dwindled to near nothing and there is a good reason for this, way back in 1962 I claimed my first WAS. Not being happy with that I decided to go for all states on SSB and then CW. Still, not satisfied I opted for five band WAS and also bagged Bicentennial and “We The People” nice awards hanging on the wall. I have mixed WAS on Eqsl as well.

I renewed my interest in county hunting a few years ago, I quite honestly do not think I will pursue it any further then 2900 of the 3077 counties to work. My real love is working DX and that is where I am at this time.

I must however question the wisdom of a few individuals with their postings on DXscape, there is an abundance of self spotters regarding  the Centennial of ARRL. Now I admire the enthusiasm, but why post your self on a DX web site?  In fact one station in the first district must have spotted himself at least a hundred times and he is worth a mere 5 points!  Personally, this type of posting should be elsewhere and not on a DX website.

I question the wisdom of this practice, I also question the purpose of one station in the second district posting QZ6TZR, it would seem he would have other things of more interest to post?

I question the wisdom of a certain station in Georgia who occupies 28.425 and posts he is an LOTW operation and I question the wisdom of those who direct remarks towards him from stateside on the DX website. I ask why post this person at all, it just gives him the attention he desires, your posting is worthless.

To be honest, this fellow in Georgia can call CQ all day long and look for ten ten members, or berate those who are not members, it matters little to me. I just turn my vfo away from that frequency.

I use DXscape to list DX stations, that is its purpose, it is not a bulletin board, a chat room, or a haven for self spotters, it is simply to list DX stations. I should think some rules should be established with this site, I could find none.

As to all the W3LPL spots, well some are of benefit and others no one else hears or can work, they are useless and for the most part are ignored. My antenna system hears well, but some of the postings from W3LPL just are not audible in the states, 40 meters and all the China spots are examples.

I also question the reason for posting a DX station you just worked and noting what numbered country it is for you. No one cares but you, it is unnecessary, break your arm patting your self on the back, but no one cares about your latest numbered conquest.

Personally, I think we need to establish some rules on this web site and the sooner the better, post basic information about the DX station, your state and that is it. Just my thoughts on things, you may like the idea, or maybe not?  What ever changes, it is long over due.


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