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DX Report 10/22/14


October has been a great month in the DX world, only thing that could have been the topping on the cake was to activate P5, I do not think that is going to happen!  Ok, let's see what we have on the report this time.

TX7G 7.024 up 0800Z, Pretty good signal.

VK9DLX 7.003 up  0800Z.

VK9DLX 10.105 up 0800Z.

VK9DLX 14.323 up 0500Z.

VK9XSP 0120Z 21.260 up 7 This one is Christmas Island, heading is due North from location.

Zk3Q 28.460 up 5 0130Z.

VK9DLX 28.021 up 0020Z.

The VK9XSP operation was on for a short time on 15 meter CW, copy was marginal at my location, station left a huge pile up abruptly, far more activity so far from VK9DLX.. Maybe the Christmas operation will be getting better as the days progress.


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