Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 9/9/14


Band conditions as a whole not that good but we have a few to report.

TZ6BB 14.026 0910Z.

HL1WD 14.024 0630Z.

KH2L 21.029 2150Z.

CY0C a couple of comments on this one, not that far away for us, yet a separate entity, Station was on twenty meters yesterday 14.195 up five to ten around 1400Z and on for some time. However, after listening for a few minutes they were working mostly stations in Europe. The ratio to Europe and U.S. stations were about twenty to one or more.

The signal from this operation was about s 9 at best, horrid conditions, I could hear some of the stations from Europe calling, but signals were down a lot compared to normal times. The only band this operation seemed to work was twenty and 14.195. Some postings inquiring about working the General Class band as well.

I could use this one on ten meters, but nothing else, so if by chance they turn their antennas to U.S. those needing it might have a chance.It is a split operation and of course a few stations never get the message and wind up calling on the DX station's frequency.


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