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DX Comments 8/25/14


For some time I have wanted to comment on DXscape and how the site can be useful to us if we use it correctly. I have a few pet peeves about it and perhaps we should air our feelings.

I feel that self spotting is poor practice regardless of the reason for doing it. I do wish some of the offenders would stop it and quit taking up space for their own ego inflation.

I also wish those who have nothing more to post then the worthless QZ6TZR posts would get lost also, what is the point of posting worthless information?  What is your purpose of posting a non existent station?  I would like to really hear the reason for this from those who post it.

I have noted some postings of what numbered country some  just worked, no one cares but you, so what is your point? It would benefit others if they knew your generic location and if they have a chance to copy then you posting your latest numbered conquest.

I also have noted a lot of complaining about the W1AW operations, beam this way, or that, my favorite drop the pile up on one band and qsy to another just to work me.. Complaints about the way some of the ops handle the pile up, or why not do this or that? Work the station and be happy, you have two chances to pile up those points during the year you might get another chance.

I read the other day some comments by a fellow Dxer K9ZW on the endless postings about state side special event stations and he feels that we should have a separate section on the web site for this type of activity. i agree and not constantly post it on a site that implies it is a DX site.

I think a separate area for this type of activity is necessary,those interested in special events, go for it and work them till you work them all, just be happy and find what your want.

Of course I do have to question most of the W3LPL postings, of Heard in Oregon, or Heard in Utah, when no one else posts the station he claims he heard. Now granted I do not have a 150 foot tower, mine is 75 feet and I do not have a three element beam on 40, but my wire antennas have gained me over 250 countries on the band including China, Japan, Guam, Marianna and Thailand at least twice.  I have followed up on his postings of over a hundred posted Chinese stations on 40 and never heard them, or anyone calling in the states. So to me, if they were indeed heard in the states mentioned, others would post it.

Granted, the posted stations may be on the air with ten watts and a wet string, but not copyable in the states, or the states they are claimed to be heard! For the most part I ignore them.

What I post on this site are stations I have worked, or actually heard at my location in Kentucky, now I may have better receive capabilities then some hams. I  use a tri bander at 75 feet and my FT 5k hears very well. But, if I am copying the stations I post someone with the same type of antennas and height will copy also.

I do not post the fact that I had a great qso with another state side station, as the name implies of the web site DX so from a dxers perspective I really do not care.

What I do post are stations of interest and if you have read my posting on DX scape I post the rarer DX stations and my generic location, plus the band and frequency. Posting good signal in Ky, Up 1 or two gives me all the information needed by most DXers. If I am hearing the dx, chances are most in a ten state radius are also and of course other stations in Ky should copy as well.

I do not post the more common countries in Europe, or Asia, mostly the rarer ones, or expeditions for the most part anyone with a decent antenna can work Europe and a long string of contacts unless it is smaller country, or rare one is of little interest to the major dxer on DXscape.

Hopefully, from my postings you have worked a new one, or saved a few bucks on the non qsler or the dollar collector and there are a few of them as you know.

I have been an active dxer since 1962 and for the record need only one country on the list, so does everyone else and the chances of ever working it are slim, but we still have hope. Ok, good luck in your pursuits, my comments were not to make any one mad, but to improve our present system of reporting.


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