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DX Report 6/20/14


Pretty bad conditions are still in effect. Couple of news items.

There has been a station appearing using the call EF6, I checked this one out and it is the same as EA6. Apparently some special event and prefix in use. Not sure how long this will be on the air. If you need EA6 or a prefix hunter go for it. However, I am still waiting for my award from CQ regarding the WPX. My source tells me these certificates are drawn by hand, if this is so, it sure has taken a long time. Had I known it would take this long, I would have never gone to all the trouble to apply for it.

BTW had some openings on six, mostly Midwest, some Southwestern openings. No dx stations, band was open last night till about nine PM. Did most of my work on CW, some good signals,nothing out standing.

One comment on 3B9FR I checked this one out and his manager is in England, seems like I sent direct to him before, however, OQRS is offered, so I took a chance on it. Have the acknowledgement of receipt, so will will see what turns up int he coming days?

Ok, now for the few DX stations that have made it in the last few hours.

T77C 14.022 0710Z.

HS0ZEE 21.015 2345Z.


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