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DX Report 6/4/14


Looks like some improvements, but not much.  We have the following:

TZ6BB 14.026 0800Z this one works many bands, plus the qsl manager is W3HNK expect cards with in ten days of contacts.

7QNL this one is an odd duck, for prefix hunters it counts as 7Q0 but no number at all, little odd. 14.017 0545Z activity so far has been sparse.

FS/W6IZT good one if documentation follows we are good, if not, well who knows?  This one is staying on cw worked on 14.005 and 7.005 0900z for 7.010 good signal in to the states.

3E100PC another one of those long calls, this one is from the Panama Canal zone, normal prefix is HP. work it while you have the chance, but so far activity has been little. 14.222 0625Z.

T77C also a multi band op  noted on 14.019 0750Z makes a few contacts then vanishes, good signal always.


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