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DX Report 5/26/14


Now that the WPX contest is over we can resume regular reporting, so this is what is going on in the last few hours.

GJ0KYZ 21.024 1230Z.

4U1ITU 21.035 1130Z more activity in the last few days then in the last couple of years.

E51KJW 7.025 1045Z. good signal.

Next one was reported as 7QNL or 7Q0NL 28.487 up 1300Z I listened for quite a while and copied nothing. East coast stations reported signal was just above noise. Band is not good, so if this one surfaces jump on it.

7Q7BP 28.025 1200Z same as above, nothing in the form of a signal.   

Ten meters is pretty dead this morning. Ok, continue to spin the dials and keep your ears open.


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