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DX Bulletin 5/22/14


ARLD021 DX news

DX Bulletin 21  ARLD021
From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT  May 22, 2014
To all radio amateurs

ARLD021 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
NC1L, W3UR, the Weekly DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily
DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and
WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks to all.

CYPRUS, 5B.  A large group of operators will be QRV as P3N from
Pachyammos, IOTA AS-004, in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as a
Multi Op entry.  QSL via RW3RN.

JAMAICA, 6Y.  Sergey, UT5UDX is QRV as 6Y/UT5UDX until May 30.  He
will be active as 6Y3W in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.  QSL via

MALAWI, 7Q.  Remco, PA3FYM is QRV as 7QNL until June 9 while working
for a charity project in Blantyre.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters
using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This includes being an entry in the CQ
World Wide WPX CW contest.  QSL via PA1AW.

GHANA, 9G.  Arno, 9G5ZZ is QRV until June 1.  Activity is on 40 to
10 meters, and possibly 80 meters, using mostly CW.  This includes
being an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.  QSL via DL1CW.

are QRV as E51AVE, E51KJW, E51JQY AND E51MCA, respectively, until
May 31.  Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.
QSL to home calls.

ESTONIA, ES.  Members of the LVRK Radio Club will be QRV as ES0/OI3V
from Hiiumaa Island, IOTA EU-034, from May 29 to June 1.  Activity
will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and digital modes.  QSL via

ECUADOR, HC.  Jorge, HC2AO plans to be QRV in the CQ World Wide WPX
CW contest as a Single Op/Single Band entry on 160 meters.  QSL via

SVALBARD, JW.  Nathaniel, W2NAF and Ethan, K8GU are QRV as JW/home
calls from Spitzbergen, IOTA EU-026, until May 30.  Activity is on
the HF bands with an emphasis on the newer bands.  This includes
entries in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.  QSL to home calls.

WAKE ISLAND, KH9.  Lisa, KJ6GHN is QRV as KH9/KJ6GHN.  She has been
active on 15 meters using PSK around 0830z.  Her length of stay is
unknown.  QSL via operator's instructions.

LUXEMBOURG, LX.  A group of operators will be QRV as LX7I in the CQ
World Wide WPX CW contest as a Multi 2 entry.  QSL via LX2A.

ARUBA, P4.  John, W2GD is QRV as P44W until May 27.  Activity is on
160 to 10 meters using mostly CW.  He will be a Single Op/All
Band/Low Power entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest.  QSL via
N2MM.  In addition, look for Andy, AE6Y to be QRV as P49Y in the CQ
World Wide WPX CW contest as a Single Op/All Band entry.  QSL to
home call.

NETHERLANDS, PA.  A group of operators are QRV as PA1200PA until May
31 to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the village Poederoijen.
QSL via operators' instructions.

BONAIRE, PJ4.  Operators AI2N, N2ZN and WJ2O are QRV as PJ4/home
calls until May 28.  They will be active as PJ4J in the CQ World
Wide WPX CW contest.  QSL PJ4J via N2ZN and others via operators'

GREECE, SV.  Laci, HA0HW is QRV as SW8WW from Thassos Island, IOTA
EU-174, until June 3.  Activity is on 40 to 6 meters using mainly CW
with some SSB.  This includes being active in the CQ World Wide WPX
CW contest as a Single Op/All Band entry.  QSL to home call.

EUROPEAN RUSSIA, UA.  Sergei, RQ7L is QRV as UE109L until May 31 to
honor the 109th birthday of major novelist Michail Scholochow.  QSL
to home call.

CANADA, VE.  Special event station VX9MOSKVA is QRV until June 22 to
commemorate the flight of an Iljushin DB-3 aircraft from Moscow to
Miscou in New Brunswick 75 years ago.  Activity is on all bands and
modes.  QSL via VE9GFD.

NORFOLK ISLAND, VK9N.  Fred, VK3DAC is QRV as VK9DAC until May 27.
Activity is on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters.  He plans to
activate the 314 meter high Mount Bates, SOTA VK9/NO-001.  QSL to
home call.

LAOS, XW.  Champ, E21EIC will be QRV as XW0YJY in the CQ World Wide
WPX CW contest.  QSL direct to home call.

EL SALVADOR, YS.  Hiro, JA6WFM will be QRV as YS1YS in the CQ World
Wide WPX CW contest as a Single Op/Single Band/Low Power entry on 20
meters.  QSL via bureau.

ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8.  Jim, N6TJ will be QRV as ZD8Z from May 26 to
June 3.  QSL via AI4U.
SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS.  W1AW Centennial Stations W1AW/2 in New York
and W1AW/0 in Colorado are QRV until 2359z on May 27.  In addition,
W1AW Centennial Stations W1AW/0 in Missouri and W1AW/7 in Wyoming
will be QRV starting at 0000z on May 28.  They will be active until
2359z on June 3.

RTTY Sprint, NCCC Sprint CW Ladder, The Day of YLs, SARL Digital
Contest and the QRP ARCI Hootowl CW Sprint will certainly keep
contesters busy this upcoming weekend.  The SKCC CW Sprint and CWops
Mini-CWT CW Test are scheduled for May 28.  Please see May QST, page
79, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.


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