Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 5/2/14


PJ7RV 14.007 0900Z

JD1BMH 14.045 0730Z.

T32TV 21>300 0230Z.

3D2RH 21.028 0110Z.

3D2RH 21.260 0815Z.

EP3HF 21.260 0815Z a word on this one... I had contacted one of the best qsl managers in this country namely W3HNK to see if we could do anything to help this cause. Joe relayed to me that he had contacted EP3HF and offered services, but it was refused. Therefore, no qsl manager and little chance of ever obtaining a qsl card from this station. Do not waste your money sending qsls, or money to this op, you will never hear from him. Let's wait and see what happens in the coming months in the interim time, save your cards and money.


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