Forum List > DX Reports

DX contest 11/24/12


Forty meters fair to flat, some good signals worked from VK land, VK4 and VK2. A few Japanese stations worked as well. One outstanding signal noted on 40 and twenty was that of EI7M very big signal and easy to work.

Notables worked from Europe, LX7I,9A1AJA, OM0M, Ei7M lots of stations from England, Germany, OK, OM and Poland.

Twenty meters, many stations from Europe, a few from South America, lots of suitcase expeditions to the Caribbean, in the form of PJ and P4 operations.  Activity also from HI7A, not too much from that country at all in the last few weeks.

 Overall, conditions still not the best but good in some areas.

CW contest is not for the cw impaired, if you have a programed keyer, or computer, use it in the contests of this type.

Tomorrow, maybe some better reports on 40.


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