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DX Report 4/1/14


Some good ones to report. VK9MT up and running, peak signal this morning around 13:00z 14.031.5 about every twenty contacts were for N.A. sending of op was not too clear, K came out A rather confusing. I put this one on hold for a while, need this one on cw, but maybe another day.

Try for 15, or 10 if they are working it.

One more item of interest this morning, EP3HF has shown up a few times on ten meters, I have not worked Iran in years and of course this country has been in turmoil for some time. EP3HF was heard about 5X5 at my location around 1500Z around 28.400. Here is the catch, about two weeks ago this station stated on that Ten dollars is the minimum for a qsl card. That is right ten bucks!  Two weeks later he states do not send cards to me I cannot reply due to high postage costs, I do not have a qsl manager.

Until that time, do not waste your money sending qsl cards, or money to this op, let's hope maybe he can obtain a manager, or use some other means to confirm contacts. Still, the problem exists of how to get mail to him even if he has a manager soon.   Same thing applies to all OD5 stations currently active other then OD5XX who has a stateside qsl manager and replies very quickly. Save your money on the others, the intended mail never arrives due to thieves and even if it does two green backs do not cover the cost of postage out of Lebanon.

Confirming contacts via is rather pointless, but better then nothing.   Unless of course there are some DX awards produced soon.

Perhaps, someone can serve as his manager since Iran is now back in the ham radio business.

On the mentioned expeditions of a few days ago, looks like only a few of them became reality.. More reporting tomorrow, or later on today.


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