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DX Report 3/30/14


With the WPX contest going on there was little to report on the bands, however it appears that VK9MT is up and running on a limited basis, a couple of spots on ten meter cw, but nothing much else. I suspect this one will be in full operation beginning Monday.

As I reported earlier I had applied for the WPX certificate about five months ago and have not seen it yet. I got all the paper work from CQ magazine saying it is on the way, but really it must be coming via turtle back. A note on this I did find out that two meter contacts do not count, so I lost a few in the list, but still had near 1800 when all was done.

I had done some two meter ssb and cw years ago and racked up some stateside contacts, rare prefixes, but CQ does not count any thing above six meters.

I am not really pursuing this award any further, but instead focusing on DXCC endorsements and DX challenge working towards 1500.

One more item of mention, received OD5ZZ qsl again via his manager for a 20 meter contact via NI5DX. this is your best chance of a qsl from Lebanon. Do not send direct, mail never arrives to the intended party, you are wasting your dollars.

On the other side of the world, sent several direct cards to China and have not received a single one as of this date. Only got one response via e qsl and it was not AG status. Nice card, counted for nothing!   

A comment on the qrz logging, I am transferring my last few years of paper logs to qrz, it takes a little time, but my handwriting for the most part looks like a chicken died on the page!   This program keeps track of things well, I see little reason to ask for confirmation via QRZ at this time, no awards offered so far, although they say it is coming. I am leaving the requests up to the stations I work if they want to confirm via this method for what ever its value, then do so and I will respond. Still, paper cards are the route I prefer for DX contacts.   I prefer my efforts be credited to DXCC and everything else is secondary.

Ok, back to regular reporting come Monday once the contest is over for the weekend.


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