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DX Contest 2/17/14 part 2


Propagation pretty good for this one, lots of Japanese stations on ten and and 15, band was open early Sunday morning and stations from Europe were loud and lots of them.

Worked OH0. LX7, PJ5, PJ2. VP5, BG2, CX9, SV1, YL3, DS2, CN2, plus heard one deaf BV station. lots of other contacts of the more common variety. Ten was open on Saturday until 8PM local time, and 15 stayed open until 10 or who knows since I called it a day around 10 PM. As with contests great number from Europe, moderate number of South American stations. PJ prefix well represented, but other stations from that area no activity or little of it.

Africa mostly dormant on one CN station in the contest, little else on the air. Asia, Korea, Japan, Guam, China, rest of Asia pretty quiet.

Each year, my objective is to work as many stations as I can, normally I hit around 200 using the search and pounce method, scanning the band and listening for dx stations in the contest. Years ago I did submit a score, had the entire weekend to radio since the XYL was out of town for a wedding. Since that time I have taken the contest with moderation and used it for new band countries this time bouncing around from 10 to 15. Next year who knows, but my guess I will stick with the 10/15 pattern for new band counties.   

Tomorrow, back to the regular reporting.


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