Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 2/14/14


First, make sure you take care of your wife, girl friend, or live in today!    ;D

Now let's get down to the good stuff:

JD1BHA 7.012 0915Z good signal this one is Ogasawara Island.

F08WBB 7.011 0500Z .

J28NC 14.019 0530Z.

TO7CC 14.250 0330 on and off as of lately.

OD5ZZ 14.236 0300Z as mentioned this one is good for qsl via his manager. Do not qsl direct to any OD5 save your money.

CE0Z/UA4WHX 21.026 0100Z Juan Fernandez Island. If this one has the proper documentation we are good.

BG2AUE 21.019 0130Z still no response with a qsl card, been several months, if any one has had a reply from this op drop a line.

VR2UW 28.021 0130Z. Good for card.

9M6XRO 28.036 up 3 0030Z this one also good for qsl.


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