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DX Report 2/8/14/Comments


Looks like a contest going on this weekend, lots of stations on RTTY and if you work that mode good time to catch a few new ones.

Since I report only CW and SSB stations we have a few today working those modes.

PJ5/K5WE 7.042 1000Z suitcase operation if this one provides the proper documentation then you have a good one.

FT5ZM according to the schedule this operation should start packing up to leave the island on the 12th that gives you 4 more days to work them if you have not done so on various bands.

21.285 Up ten 0800Z.

Despite the effort of jammers providing music, carriers, dits, constant chatter and childish antics, I managed to make four contacts with FT5ZM three of them were needed bands. The most trying was 40 meters, however with determination and timing during the evening hours we did succeed.

Apparently, on 40 meters and this occurred in the phone band where you have to split wider then usual, since FT5ZM was on 7.082 and listening up around 7.175 this does present some problems.

I quite frankly have favored expansion of 40 meter phone from 7.1 to 7.125 as an Extra class segment only. However, I have suggested this many times, but no action taken.

The cw operation was subjected to the usual qrm and of course you can always count on many stations not hitting the split button and calling dead on the dx frequency. Despite all this, the operators of this expedition were great cw ops and phone ops. You always have those who complain they should be working N.A. when the expedition is working Europe and even had a few complaints from one station in Africa.

You cannot please everyone all the time sometimes our working hours do not fit the operation schedule, that is ham radio and of course makes it challenging.

BTW this operation was on for hours and not just five minutes a day, I was a little dismayed over the VU7AG operation, seems like once they were spotted on the internet, they vanished. Odd indeed. Looks like some other good ones in the works, so keep you posted.

On the A52JR operation this one has been spotted only a few times in the states, they seem to be heard fairly well in Europe and were on 17 most of the time. Only two stations heard them on the west coast, so this one is a write off for now.

Ok, keep your ears open and your dials turning, more DX to come.


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