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DX Report 2/1/4


Well, let's see if the Groundhog has any bearing on DX as well, my guess that old ground hog could care less about DX, but for those of us that do here are the daily listings.

JD1BHA 7.012 1130Z Ogasawara Island and yes counts as separate entity.

A52JR 7.156 0200Z this station was spotted by two west coast stations and they were only hearing the A52 5X5 at best. No further spots were noted on this one. According to the DX expedition info A52JR is supposed to be active for about ten days. Well, only two stations reporting and this operation was on a total so far of about ten minutes.

OY1CT 14.024 1130Z good one from Faroes, grab it while you have the chance.

V85TL 21.017 0100Z pretty good signal.

FT5ZM 28.023 up 5 0330Z this one continues according to one source till the 5th and another source states the 12th. Pile ups are still huge and 40 does present a challenge with all the intentional qrm. Station was heard on 40 last night, but signal was weak and watery sounding at my location. My objective this time was to fill in holes on 15/10 and I succeeded in that venture. If I am able to make a contact on 40 so be it, but I have accomplished my objective this time, Perhaps, next time a 40 meter contact. We shall see, maybe we will get lucky in the next few days?


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