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Dx Report 1/28/14


Band conditions leave much to be desired. Yesterday I had pretty good copy on TY1TT on 15 meter ssb this was around 2000Z. Signal slowly went down and then nothing, so hope for another day with this one. Later heard this station on cw, but signal was weak and the op was returning mostly to stations on the Coast. Worked this operation with ease on Sunday using twenty meters, but so far on 15 not much luck due to terrible conditions.  :'(

FT5ZM was quiet most of the day for the same reasons, signal was weak in comparison of the first day of operation, still I have hopes of working them on 15, or ten, but only time will tell and if the propagation Gods smile upon us.  :-[

Qsls received C82DX via state side manager plus T33A for contacts on 15 and ten.  ;D

Rest of listed stations to follow:

T88MX 7.013 1100Z more activity from T8 land.

FW5JJ 7.018 0700Z.

FT5ZM 14.185 up 5 0500Z. plus 14.023, 21.023 and various other bands, for all information as to times, frequencies and bands check DX scape. Be prepared for huge pile ups and long waits.

TY1TT 21.012 000Z also on 15 meter phone around 21.290, signal was copied for a while and then faded and gone due to lousy conditions. Hope for more shots at this one before departure time on the 5th of February.


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