Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 1/4/13


H40TA up 1 7.010 0100Z.

VU2RAK 14.209 1200Z.

IA0KM 21.008 up 2 1300Z a word on this one. Active on several bands, address claims they need $4.00 for a qsl it seems the rates have been climbing, it used to be a dollar, then two, some ask for $3.00 and now this one wants $4.00 for a card. If I did not have this entity on three bands already I would think long and hard about this much for a card. I plan to go via the bureau and take my chances, yes it is slow via the bureau. This one would be a new entity on ten meters, but not worth the cost of $4.00 for one card. You make the choice.

J28NC 28.018 1230Z


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