Author Topic: DX Report 10/1/13  (Read 1577 times)


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DX Report 10/1/13
« on: October 01, 2013, 06:42:07 AM »
New month, lots of goodies on the air.

CY0P noted 7.018 1130Z also 21.285 this is Sable Island, not that far away, off the coast of Newfoundland, but it does count as a separate entity, easy to work.

3D2RA worked on 21.248 up 2 2300Z good signal into the states, qsl information indicates Pay Pay required, not advisable to send green stamps in envelope. Op claims he would never get them.  I would suggest the bureau route and save your money.

FO5QB big signal on ten meters 28.490 2230Z pile up is huge for now, but in time it will drop off if the op continues his operation.

VR2XMY 21.280 good signal  0230Z seems like we have several stations from VR2 in the last week, good catch if you can find one.

9M2RDX 21.009 0.100 0100Z good signal nice one on 15. Not very active, but has been heard, or worked in the last couple of weeks.