Author Topic: DX Report 9/8/13  (Read 1859 times)


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DX Report 9/8/13
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:08:46 AM »
All Asian contest going on this weekend, noted lots of stations from China various bands none stayed too long on frequency.

Noted stations on not in the contest were the following:

V6G nice catch on 40 7.010 1015Z not many callers, very surprising.

C37AC 14.045 720Z Andorra is not on that frequently grab it while you can. Normally there are operations for a few days, hams on vacation, otherwise pretty sparse.

JT5DX Rare Zone 23, this station has a big signal no matter what band.  Spotted on 14.272 0500Z Station also runs 40 meters and has a big signal on that band. I have worked JT5DX on several bands including 40 meters, nice to have activity from Mongolia.

HS0ZCW active at times on 14.195  spotted on 21.280 1400Z Charlie is a former K4 and resided in Henderson,Ky for many years. Good signal on 20/40/ 15

FO/KH0PR this operation 28.011 0130z  if you are an IOTA chaser  jump on this one, lots of of IOTA activity from a rare part of the world. Check his web site for full details.

We continue to see spots for TI0VB listing his location as Transnistria this does not count for anything other then Costa Rica, in fact this station is not listed in It lends credence to the fact this is a Pirate operation. Until we hear differently, or see some legitimate verification of this station we are assuming it is a Pirate.

My advice is save your cards, money, stamps, this same operation was heard on the bottom end of twenty cw signing TJ0VB and that call was not on either. Next few minutes the same station was signing TI0VB. Certainly indicates the person operating may know the prefix for Costa Rica, but nothing else.

There is also an operation from Kosovo Z61DX so far Kosovo has not been accepted as a separate entity on DXCC, Perhaps, some decision will be reached in the distant future.

QSls received 7Z1TT on Eqsl, paper cards to NI5DX. Nice qsl.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 06:21:32 AM by k4lrx »