Author Topic: W2GD tower service  (Read 6741 times)


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W2GD tower service
« on: August 12, 2013, 03:27:55 PM »
As most of you know i am an avid DX chaser and have been for decades. In the past for yagi beam installation and tower work I had to rely upon local talent to do my tower work. Most of the local companies do not want to do ham radio tower work, they do not make enough money on the project. Most are not acquainted with ham radio antennas, rotor alignment, aiming the yagi in the right direction, or in some cases careful with the elements of the antenna.

A few months ago my twenty meter mono bander developed a problem after ice forming on the antenna and then the wind shaking it real badly. I decided then it was time to replace the mono bander with at least a tri band antenna so I could work 15 and ten meters again.

I had contacted one tower service who gave me the run around for weeks, I am on vacation, I am studying the problem, but never seemed to get back to you with a definitive reply as to when he would do your job.

In the course of searching I found W2GD tower service on the E ham site and decided to contact John about installing a new antenna. What I received back was an instant reply, a wealth of information and comparisons of other antennas.

At the time I was set on a Cushcraft antenna namely the Kt 36, well John saved me a lot of problems, this antenna is subject to water getting in the traps and of course a troublesome issue. John suggested a Bencher Skyhawk a tri band beam for 20/15//10 and indeed it does work and work well. No traps.

John and his partner Phil got in my area on Thursday of this week and did a job for my long time friend Dave, W9AJR. On Sunday he was over at my place and put the Skyhawk together in five hours. On Monday, I had a crane service out of Evansville come over to my house to lift the old antenna down and put the new one in place. One thought, Buck's crane service in Evansville shows up when you want the service, no hassle, or maybe we can get around to it some time attitude.

No, they are there when you want it, so keep that in mind if you are planning to install a yagi beam and need a crane service.

W2GD and his partner had the Bencher ready for installation at nine AM on the 12th of August.. By 10:30 the antenna was mounted, by noon John had to replace my T2X rotor since it had stalled in its rotation. I had been having trouble with the rotor for some time, but it always turned with a little coaxing. I had two rotors and control boxes, I keep one as a spare, so John took the spare up the tower and installed it.

Once done, the antennas were aligned, with the rotor and by 12:30 I was on 15 meter cw blowing holes in the band. I had about twelve qsos with 599 reports. The antenna works.  I worked all twelve contacts in Europe, so I now have a very good antenna for 20/15/10 and of course hoping for improved conditions.

Now, if you want antenna service, you want them there when you need them, an excellent job, professional and no excuses then give them a try for your next big project. No, they are not cheap, but they are great...

I am sure if you talk to Dave W9AJR as well he will give them an A plus for their services.

If you have questions be sure and drop me a line