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DX Report 5/16/13


VK1FOC portable 8 up and running with very good signal. 1030z to 1100z 7.006.5 running simplex. This is a special event station celebrating 75 years of First Class cw ops. Nice operation and of course since I am a cw op for the most part I am partial to these special event stations.

A35JP continues to be active in the morning hours 7.004 up 1 1000z for about an hour of operation. The op is a slower cw operator and it does take a little longer then normal time for him to return to a station. However, with patience and slower sending then your normal speed a contact can be had.

This is a semi rare country and not much activity surfaces.

For those of you that are stamp collectors, over the years I have received some very interesting stamps from Tonga. One, was a stamp in the shape of a banana, so if you request a direct card you may have a surprise on the envelope.

Bands pretty dead this morning with the exception of the two stations mentioned.


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