Author Topic: DX Report 6/29/18  (Read 3605 times)


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DX Report 6/29/18
« on: June 29, 2018, 07:14:39 AM »
The KH1 Operation is in full swing and I am happy to report at least a phone contact resulted on twenty meter phone around 11:10 Pm local time. KH1/KH7Z is on the following frequencies  14.023 khz up and 14.210 up ten to 15, signal strength is not outstanding, for the most part about an S5. On CW the signal peaks at 579 and is subject to deep fade and may be inaudible at that time.

As usual, we have those callers who cannot understand the word "Up" and continue to call only to produce unwanted interference. We did have one instance of someone bootlegging the call KR6DD and sending it over and over on 14.023 kHz. Really childish, this was retallation by someone who had received an OO notice since KR6DD is the OOC for his section.  I had e mailed KR6DD and questioned the wisdom of the actions and thought it was the real KR6DD I heard on the air. The operator claimed he had monitored this since several stations in his area reported hearing his call being used improperly.

We did note this morning KH1 is on 80 meters, mostly West Coast contacts, but we shall see in the coming days if we can gain a contact, be nice catch.

Although, I did not need KH1 as a new entity I do like to work a current operation, based on the terrible band conditions personally I think the KH1 Crew picked the right band. Other bands are dead and would result in wasting time on them, the idea is to make maximum number of contacts around the world and twenty is the best choice at this time of year.

Therefore, two stations are on 20 from KH1 one is CW and the other is phone, CW ops are smoking and very good in copying stations racking up as many as five or more contacts in a minute. QSL information is on their web site, so if you need this one confirmed follow the instructions. Remember to have your rig in split and follow the directions of the op as where they are listening. 
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 07:23:12 AM by k4lrx »