Author Topic: DX Report 5/25/18  (Read 3551 times)


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DX Report 5/25/18
« on: May 25, 2018, 10:59:35 AM »
Not much to report these days, as I mentioned in an earlier report the twenty meter band is showing openings towards VK/ZL at nights around 0300Z several stations making it and very good signals.

I also noticed some openings to Europe around 0800Z a time when the band is normally dead on this side of the planet. Nothing really stirring in the form of expeditions, but June does look promising so we will see what happens?

The other day I had a contact with BD7DX this station indicated he would confirm via EQSL, well got several cards from China so really did not bother with EQSL. However, a check of this station indicates he has a back log of over 1500 requests, good luck on getting yours. Some how, I just do not believe any confirmations of contacts will take place any time soon, or perhaps never on EQSL.   Just as a tip, if you use EQSL do a search of the station you plan to send a request, if there is a huge back log, forget it, it just will not happen, or if it does it may take years.

The tried and proven method I have used for years are paper cards, check marks, stars, or other markings by the contact in your log mean nothing to me.

Ok, for now let us see what happens today?