Author Topic: DX Report 2/2/18  (Read 1131 times)


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DX Report 2/2/18
« on: February 02, 2018, 11:27:47 AM »
Latest on 3Y0 is the seas are too rough to make a landing, keep in mind this is a very hostile place on the Earth, in fact these island along with South Georgia have been titled "The Most Awful Place On Earth" indeed!  From my side of the coin I would love to make a dx expedition before my days are over, but not to Bouvet, or South Shetland, South Georgia,or the South Pole.

Z60A contines to be active at night on 40 meter CW check around 7.011khz and transmit up at least five Khz. However, I have tried for several nights and the pile up is huge, maybe I might get lucky in the next few nights left, but not holding my breath. I did accomplish my objective by working this station on 20 SSB and 20CW for a new entity. I am sure there will be other operations from Z60 in the future.

The D68I operation has been hit and miss, a few contacts, lots of gaps between them, nothing on a long string of contacts, just lousy propagation and nothing heard from that part of the world. They were easy to work on 20 phone when they make an appearance, thing is not enough for most who need it.

We did pick up 3D2JS on 17 for a new band country, it is amazing that my tribander will radiate enough signal to work DX on 17, it is tuned for 20/15/10, my signal report was not pinning his s meter, but I do not care. Thing is, we picked up another new band country in the process on our venture to 1500 for DXCC Challenge.

On other mentions P29XVG has been active on 80 meters in the early morning, so far I heard stations calling, but no signal I could detect on 3.505 khz, again maybe we will get lucky and hear something, but so far nothing.

For those of you looking for a quick one and not so far away, look for V47UR he has been operating on 3.5.25 khz listening up, 0100Z or about 7pm local time. This is St. Kitts island, not active that much, we grabbed this one on 80 for another new band country.

Let's keep in mind the crew for 3Y0 may be risking their lives to put this rare one on the air, I hope nothing happens to any of them, I would rather they cancel the trip and turn back then someone lose their life. When we know something else, will pass it along. Later for now.