Author Topic: DX Report 1/15/18  (Read 1792 times)


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DX Report 1/15/18
« on: January 14, 2018, 10:42:56 PM »
Band conditions continue to be poor for the most part, however there are some good ones about and we cashed in on two of them. We grabbed up TZ4AM on 17 meters, time 1900Z, 18.068 up 1.2 for a new band country. That was indeed a good catch. On 80 meters we grabbed XT2AW 3.510 kHz 0110Z nice signal indeed. Thing is this station is sending slow and fails to give  call letters at regular intervals.

Later on during the evening we heard briefly E31 operation on 3.501 kHz, they did not stay long, apparently they do the vanishing act when the pile gets to big. We will have to keep an ear open for them in the future. This is a planned operation so you may have to listen closely, be on at the right time and be prepared for a quick vanishing act.

In regards to 6O6O again 80 meters did not last very long, it seems they have lots of problems on that band and the signal is not very good. I have yet to hear them on phone, so those of you not working CW may have to wait until another multi mode operation takes place.

Although, we heard several stations calling on 80 meters, the signal was weak and barely detectable, mostly North East stations were working them, others did not hear a thing. So be it, we did get a contact on 20, hope for a 15 meter contact, be nice for a 40, or 80 contact, but it may not happen this time. Ok, that is it for today. For those of you in the bad weather zone, stay in, stay warm, do some ham radio.