Author Topic: DX Report 10/23/17  (Read 1582 times)


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DX Report 10/23/17
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:28:55 AM »
The 3C0 expedition is now History and a good operation it was, now as to the second half from 3C1 remains to be seen, we will see what happens?

As to Other operations E44WE has been showing up on RTTY for a few contacts, we have yet to hear of any SSB, or CW contacts, it may happen but so far little operating and only RTTY.

This coming weekend the 28th the ARRL DX contest CW will take place, those of you that know how to work a key will find some very good stations to work normally. My predictions are poor bands and little beyond the Caribbean and South America. We may see a few stations from the Pacific, normally not much activity from Africa during the contest. I plan to do a lot of snooping around on 80 meters for band slot contacts, but my time during this weekend will be limited.

The Ri1F logs are on Clublog, I checked my self for the 80 meter contact, it was confirmed and I applied for a qsl. via OQRS.