The following logged contacts have occurred in the last few days.
1 2017-09-27 21:21 TZ4PR 20m 14.180 SSB Mali Fredo - [Unconfirmed by TZ4PR]
2 2017-09-27 19:13 5T5OK 10m 28.030 CW Mauritania [Unconfirmed by 5T5OK]
3 2017-09-27 18:35 HZ87ND 20m 14.028 CW Saudi Arabia
The HZ8 station has also been heard on 40 meters, I had copy while the sun was still up at 2200Z.
As listed, a good opening on ten meters, good signal on the band.. Worked 5T5OK with 50 watts, had my amp in standby at the time and did not notice.