Author Topic: DX Report 9/22/17  (Read 1510 times)


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DX Report 9/22/17
« on: September 22, 2017, 03:11:38 AM »
There are two good ones on the DX scene, one is 5T0OK that is 5T zero OK, a very good signal was heard on 40 meter phone  around 0200 7.160khzl Thing is this operation has been off and on, off more then on, I have also heard them on twenty CW and SSB, at odd times. Nothing definitive as to operating, just have to listen for them. BTW they are listening up 5 khz, so you will need to split and then follow the instructions of the DX station. Working this one was pretty easy, if they are on the signal is very good.

The other station is A25SP this one has been on 40 CW, for the last few nights, good signal indeed, they operate from about 0100Z till when ever they stop, no notice on that, just vanish. Been hearing this  station on 7.015Khz up one or two. The pile up is pretty heavy for now, the pattern of operation seems to favor Europe, since no specific calls such as North America, or Europe, it does have tendencies to generate a huge pile up, some NA stations have gotten a contact.

Another one that is on sometimes is 3V8CB when they are on it is 14.244 khz simplex  they were worked on 9/19 at 2020Z.

I hate to admit this but I goofed in telling you the call of the recent expedition to 5T land it is 5T5OK and not Zero, sometimes I compile the reports late at night, my eyes must have been crossed, or lack of sleep.. The call is 5T5OK and they have a big signal on the air 14.014.9 22:24Z 09/22/17.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 05:25:34 PM by k4lrx »