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DX Report 2/28/13


Bands were pretty bad this morning with just a few stations making it. Earlier on 40 meters 0600Z T2TT on 7.145 a few stations spotted this op and I have heard the same station early in the morning hours with a pretty good signal.

FK8IK, this one is a regular on 40 around 1000z 7.015 he does use Eqsl and I had a confirmation from the op with in a few hours of the contact. I really did not need a paper card for 40 meters, but added the E card to my collection.

I noted also that BA4TB again on 7.016 1100z, this time I heard several stations in the north and one Western State station calling, but the op did not respond to any state side callers.

Other then one pretty strong Japanese station forty was pretty dead. There was only one spot yesterday for an apparent dx expedition to Cocos Keeling VK9, but no sign of them this morning, nothing spotted on twenty. Web site stated they would operate from the islands until some time in April. So far, nothing heard and only one spot stateside.

They may still be in the process of setting up the stations, so give them a few days to get going.

TZ6BB still around on twenty cw, good signal at my location and qsl manager is W3HNK and is one of the best qsl managers around. Have received my qsl for 20/40 meter contacts. Look for this operation on various bands, check DX scape for daily details.

Tomorrow is another day for we dx hounds.


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