Forum List > DX Reports

DX Report 9/14/16


Not a bad list this morning, let's see what we have heard, or worked?

TO5FP 7.022 0945 very little air time.

4S7AB been a while since we heard anything from this entity 10.113 1100Z.

E51Q this one is a high speed CW op 10.114 0250Z., 18.084 0100Z, 28.034 2210Z,

VP6AH one has to wonder where this operation was, since E51Q had a booming signal in the states, no sign of this station. Meager appearance on 14.190 0330Z. E51Q was heard well on ten meter CW.

ZB2TT 21.014 2030Z another station from the rock, good to hear them.

TY2AC 21.030 1810Z very little activity, maybe one, two contacts and gone.

The A5A operation has not been heard, or worked on any band, we did see a few spots on twenty meters using CW, I listened and could detect something, but nothing with good copy. A few stations on the West Coast spotted this station with the report of an ESP signal.

Only bands we have seen much activity with this station is 30 and 17, my guess is meager antennas, couple that with poor conditions and well you get the picture.

At this point I will settle for a CW contact since I do not have this entity on that mode, only SSB.

Let's see what today brings us?


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