Author Topic: DX Comments 3/20/13  (Read 2146 times)


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DX Comments 3/20/13
« on: March 20, 2013, 06:37:41 AM »
Glad I have so many viewers on this web site interested in dx, Now to my comments.

It appears that every time a dx expedition  attempts to work ssb on 40 meters if presents problems to many stateside ops. I for one prefer my dx chasing to be on forty cw when I am using this band.

The problem erupts when a DX operation listens for North America above 7.150 there are a lot of nets, round tables, morning gatherings and evening chats that have used these channels for years. Most of these fellows do not care about working a deserted pile of rocks in the Pacific they are content with a casual chit chat.

In fact a couple of days ago H40T was on 7.150khz and a lot of state side ops were trying to copy this station. However, we had one fellow on from the East coast who kept babbling on about he could not hear them and so forth . Got a few people really agitated and the war of words erupted.

 Listening below 7.150 also presents problems to a couple of nets that meet on 7.140 and 7.130 the Aussies use that frequency for a nighttime net of VK land and the Pacific. You just have to listen for them, but some mornings quite strong signals from down under.

I for one have felt for years we need to expand the 40 meter ssb portion down to 7.1 khz. Use the area from 7.1 to 7.125 for the dx window, spread the word that dx expeditions use 7.095 and listen up from 7.105 to 7.115 or where ever they choose with in that window.

Personally, I think this is long over due and it would solve a lot of interference problems to established nets, round tables and casual ops.

We expanded the 80 ssb portion and it has worked, indeed we have a dx window on 75  3.790 to 3.800 it works fine. Now granted Dx expeditions only happen now and then, but there are a lot of serious 40 meter DX hounds like my self who would like to work the rare ones on phone.

As I mentioned on my daily posts the H44 operation was on this morning less then an hour and then vanished suddenly, working mostly JA stations and little else. Plenty of signals calling from N.A. but no response. Nothing heard from H40 on 40 this morning. Oh well another day will dawn...